Hillopin(Fuzhou) Industrial Co., Limited is the main co***ny which is the world's leading online manufacturer wholesaler of all kinds of shopping bag. Buying directly from Hillopin, you may save money on top quality products because you are buying them at manufacturer direct prices FROM CHINA. We offer a wide selection of bags such as non woven shopping bag, bamboo fabric bag, polyester shopping bag, papaer bags and etc. All of them are eco-friendly and with high quality, because you don't have any strange semll with the bags from us.
We have owned a good reputation from customers all over the world. Our moto is trying Hilloping people' s best effort to satisfy your need. Your confirmation is the motivation for our better future. Offering customers competitive prices, reliable quality, and good service, we wish to establish long-term business relations worldwide. If you are interested in any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We sincerely hope we can develop our business relationship and can become parnters from now on.
We promise to provide you satisfactory products with competitive prices and high quality! U will get a big surprise from us! So be quick to catch this chance! Waiting for your direct contact! You may order samples or products online and we can be reached at 86-0591- 83222306. Welcome to visit our website: www.greenbaghome.com
Company: |
Hillopin(Fuzhou) industrial Co., Ltd
Contact: |
Ms. Emily Lee |
Address: |
JinMa 817 Road tai jiang, |
Postcode: |
Tel: |
86 591 83222306 |
Fax: |
86 591 83222529 |
E-mail: |